Tuesday, January 25, 2011

a walk in the park #2

i guess i have said this one too many times, that one of the things i miss the most about living in europe is the chance to take afternoon walks in the park...

...seeing the park benches and the afternoon shadow on the ground...

...blowing dandelions...

...lying on the grass, watching people passing by...

...waiting for the sun to set behind the skyline...

can't wait till my next walk in the park. will you take a walk with me?:)

*pictures are from kralingse plas, kralingen, rotterdam, the netherlands. click here for more of my pictures of rotterdam.


Morenica said...

oh no not dandelions..they make me sneeze.
your next destination is spain? barcelona?
well glad that you're back chare. it's been almost almost a year since you're last blog.

chare said...

they make me sneeze too, and give me the biggest allergies, swollen eyes, etc. but they are cute, they always remind me of my childhood books, in stories where little creatures fly with them. :)

laura tj said...

hah! new post last month!! gile, abis setaon baru ngepost hahahahaha... next destination is... SYDNEYYYYYYYYYY

chare! said...

yes, next destination SYDNEY

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